Greetings to the YCL of the Donetsk People’s Republic!

The YCL received an invitation to the Second Congress of the Leninist Communist Youth League of the Donetsk People’s Republic (LKSM DNR), taking place in Donetsk on the 15 September. The Komsomol of the DPR is fighting for socialism and the construction of a people’s republic, following in the footsteps of the united Soviet nations. We sent the following message translated into Russian.

Dear comrades,

LKSM DNROn behalf of the Executive Committee of the Young Communist League of Britain, we welcome all of the participants to the 2nd Congress of the Leninist Communist Youth League of the Donetsk People’s Republic and wish you success!

As you all know, the duty of each young Communist is the struggle for socialism and the rights of working people. In line with this international struggle, the British YCL has been organising acts of protests in our country against the resurgence of fascism and the imperialist meddling of the British Government in Ukraine. Above all, we commend you all for fighting for peace, progress and people power as the correct path forwards for resolving the problems of capitalist society!

Not One Step Back!

Together, we can build a better future!

With comradely regards

Executive Committee

Young Communist League of Britain