Common Announcement of Communist Youth Organisations on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Young people of the world,

While thousands of people around the globe are getting the disease and unfortunately also die of COVID-19, the reality for the peoples, workers and youth is ruthless:

  • The public health system even of some powerful capitalist countries is naked, full of deficiencies, with policies that act in favour of the commercialisation of health, and the capitalist profits. The lives of hundreds of thousands of people are at risk. Urgent and necessary measures are not taken must be taken now.
  • Millions of workers have already lost their jobs or will lose them in the next period. Their salaries are being cut and their working hours are getting flexed. Not because of COVID-19, but because capitalists put once again the burden on their shoulders.
  • Even the scientific attempts to find a vaccine for COVID-19 are subject to competitions between the imperialists, who are relentless. The anarchy in capitalist production doesn’t satisfy primary human needs.

Young people of the world,

  • We extend our heartfelt thanks to the doctors, nurses, the hospital and health units personnel that are fighting this battle facing great difficulties.
  • We express our solidarity with those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and wish them speedy recovery from the disease.
  • We salute the countries that develop solidarity actions with the most affected countries, such as the sending of protective materials and health professionals from countries such as China, Cuba and Russia, actions that are in stark contrast to the absence of the European Union.

Young people of the world,

At these hard times, the Communist Youth Organizations are here!

We struggle against COVID-19 and at the same time against injustice, but also those who utilize the virus so that injustice arises.

We struggle against a global system, capitalism, which forced the workers and youth to bear the cost of the capitalist economic crisis and now asks us to pay again. It is proven once more that socialism is necessary and timely since it can ensure primary care and prevention, hospitals, medical and nursing staff, medicines, labs and tests, thus satisfying the people’s rights and needs.

We struggle against the anti-people policy, which undermines the great scientific and technological possibilities that exist today and can be used in favour of health, welfare and peace for the peoples.

The young people wear masks to protect and be protected against the virus, but we don’t lower the voice of our demands! We demand:

  • The Public Health System in all countries to be reinforced with state funding, so that the efforts of the medical and nursing staff get strengthened now.
  • The necessary protection means to be provided for free to everyone (such as masks, gloves and alcohol-based hand rubs).
  • The working rights of the workers to be protected. No to dismissals and salary reductions. No to the curtailment of democratic rights on the pretext of COVID-19.
  • End all sanctions and measures of economic exclusion, which in this situation are even more unjust and criminal and make the life of the peoples in the countries they turn against to even more difficult. To take all necessary measures to protect the health and life of the peoples.
  • We say no to imperialist interventions and military exercises, such as those of NATO, and demand that public resources be redirected to support the needs of the peoples, such as the financing of public health and social security systems.

We say it clearly: We can win! Nobody alone – Now is the time for solidarity- Together we stand!

  1. Federation of Communist Youth, Argentina
  2. Communist Youth of Austria
  3. Bangladesh Youth Union
  4. Bangladesh Students Union
  5. Young Communists of Belgium
  6. Communist Youth of Bolivia
  7. Communist Youth Union, Brazil
  8. Advancing Communist Youth, Brazil
  9. Young Communist League of Britain
  10. Young Communist League of Canada
  11. Young Socialists of the Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
  12. United Democratic Youth Organisation, Cyprus
  13. Communist Youth Union, Czech Republic
  14. Young Communists of Denmark
  15. Communist Youth of Ecuador
  16. Communist Youth of El Salvador
  17. Communist Youth of the Communist Worker’s Party of Finland
  18. Union of the Communist Youth of France
  19. Socialist German Workers Youth
  20. Communist Youth of Greece
  21. Communist Youth of Guatemala
  22. Communist Youth of Honduras
  23. All India Youth Federation
  24. Tudeh Youth of Iran
  25. Workers’ Party Youth, Ireland 
  26. Connolly Youth Movement, Ireland
  27. Young Communist League of Israel
  28. Front of the Communist Youth, Italy
  29. Jordanian Democratic Youth Union
  30. Federation of Young Communists, Mexico
  31. National Youth Federation of Nepal
  32. Communist Youth Movement of the Netherlands
  33. Youth of the Communist Party of Macedonia, North Macedonia
  34. Young Communists of Norway
  35. Democratic Students Federation, Pakistan
  36. Democratic Youth Federation, Pakistan
  37. Palestinian Communist Youth